The living craft's skeletal frame is composed from the tough yorik coral. Star Wars Saga Edition Starships of the Galaxy, 400 km/h When scouts located the galaxy 50 years before the beginning of the invasion, agents had been set up to provide a flow of intelligence to the Yuuzhan Vong. Manufacturer It is a military breed of the Tsik-Vai and resembles a manta ray.
They are bioformed, handheld serpents that can attack in a variety of ways. Another form of attack for an amphistaff is to turn into a blade that is an atom thick that its master can wield. The worldship was protected by 200 plasma weapons emplacements. The Uumufalh is an escort starship used by the Yuuzhan Vong to accompany large warships. But, during the battle, Centerpoint Station was fired and half of the Yuuzhan Vong armada at Fondor was destroyed. A small subspecies of the yammosk, the sole purpose of the shreeyam'tiz is to disrupt the telepathic link between yammosks and dhuryams and their slaves. Its main body was a disc-shaped bulk littered with hundreds of weapon projections and other protrusions. Yun-Shuno has a thousand eyes and watches over and speaks for the Shamed Ones, which are shunned by every other Yuuzhan Vong deity.
The seen hides the unseen in Yun-Harla's case, and she approves lying and deception for the greater good. Only the Supreme Overlord has direct communication with Yun-Yuuzhan, the Creator and Supreme God of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Vangaak is an aquatic trawler used by the Yuuzhan Vong for travelling underwater.
They are, on average, 2-3 meters long and have skins so thick that they cannot be penetrated by a lightsaber unless preweakened (this happened in The Unifying Force). Even these tendrils are made to move together, they can propel the craft in any direction. Each tendril was anchored by hundreds of Coralskippers, which helped unfold the membrane. There are rumors that special thud bugs carried by Yuuzhan Vong high officers will explode on impact. I can't seem to find these things in my inventory even after subscribing. By the Fall of Coruscant it became possible to jam the yammosk's communication, lessening dramatically the efficiency of affected Yuuzhan Vong fleets. They were both invisible to direct Force sight and unaffected by direct Force powers.
The Praetorite Vong were the first to enter the galaxy, thus beginning the Yuuzhan Vong War. In the Force Heretic series of the New Jedi Order novels, the Galactic Alliance heroes Han Solo, Leia and Twin Suns Squadron head out to find powerful allies while the Jedi Luke Skywalker begins a mission to find the legendary living planet Zonama Sekot.
A massive bioengineered vessel that serves as a staging ground for prolonged battles. Yuuzhan Vong empire It is made from black yorik coral and includes a dovin basal for travel and defense. Yun-Harla is composed of entierly borrowed body parts, from her eyes, which are villips, to her bones, which are yorik coral. A plot by Nom Anor to destroy the living world is foiled. During the trek through the intergalactic void between galaxies, it was known that certain drugs were circulated into the worldship's interior, which infused its incumbents with a sense of purpose and belonging in order to prevent them suffering mental breakdowns resulting from the stresses of a long journey across space to the Promised Land. The Yorik-Vec is an assault crusier made from yorik coral.
However, they could live up to twice that long, as the Baanu Miir proves (see history for more about the Bannu Miir). When the Yuuzhan Vong finter-analog vessels were first encountered by The New Republic, their true name (Yorik-et) was unknown. They are used mainly as propulsion devices and shields: they can create micro-blackholes that can absorb laser shots at the space craft, as well as pretty much anything else, from proton torpedoes and concussion missiles to whole ships. Hyperdrive rating They were a peaceful species living as symbionts with their homeworld until they were subjugated by a technologically advanced species.
Yuuzhan Vong Meanwhile, the Yuuzhan Vong Nom Anor disguised as the prophet Yu'Shaa begins stirring up the heresy on Yuuzhan'tar formerly Coruscant posing as a Shamed One after fleeing the wrath of Supreme Overlord Shimrra for suggesting the disastrous Ebaq 9 mission and gains many followers among the worker caste. Normally, an amphistaff is to be wrapped around a warrior's waist, though a higher-ranking warrior would have his amphistaff wrapped around his arm. By the time Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane arrived on Yuuzhan'tar, most of the fleet was spread out along the galaxy. The Uro-Ik Glu'ta is a warship similar to the Uro-Ik V'alh. Worldship When the Yuuzhan Vong finter-analog vessels were first encountered by The New Republic, their true name (Yorik-et) was unknown. They attacked Zonama Sekot in an attempt to steal its advanced biological technology, but the living world defeated them and Old Republic Jedi Vergere offered herself in exchange that Zonama Sekot be left undamaged. In the book Edge of Victory I: Conquest, Vua Rapuung and Anakin Solo travelled to the Yuuzhan Vong base in one of these trawlers. 10 kilometers (on average), up to the size of the Death Star (the Baanu Rass) Related and quite similar to the yammosk, except being much more bigger and powerful, these thirteen irreplaceable creatures were trained to become much more than a world coordinator: the pazhkic Yuuzhan'tar al'tirrna, or World Brain.
They also made use of a membrane, called outrider ganglia, that acted as a solar sail when traveling through space. One of the Kor Chokk grand cruisers, Sheado's Legacy of Torment resembled a fearsome mobile war tower.
1,100 G When Deign Lian discovered what the Jedi on Garqi destroyed, he and Shai planned their attack on Ithor. Yun-Q'aah and Yun-Txiin are the Lover Gods and are twins, Q'aah female, Txiin male. However those green scales do not die upon removal from the dora-mu because it can mold itself onto the vangaak's skeleton and receive nutrition from the living craft. Similar in function to the reborn Emperor Palpatine's Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyers, a worldship was a transport, battleship and a psychological weapon all in one. wow these ships look like combine synths 0_0 (well... some of them do).
The Yorik-trema used several hollow molleung worms to deploy its passengers and to attack nearby enemies. Width
The weapons of a Kor Chokk consisted of 120 plasma projectors, Dovin Basals and an interdiction field that could severely damage enemy vessels. Later, the Jedi locate their Zonama Sekot, but so too have the Yuuzhan Vong. The thud bug is basically a beetle that has sharp, jagged appendages on its sides. It's six fins contain several squadrons of Yorik-Et starfighters, known as coralskippers, Yuuzhan Vong starfighters can spit plasma, or magma rock. The Alak Schou was one of the worldships used to transport the invasion force into the galaxy. War freighters used to transport massive amounts of cargo, and critical to Yuuzhan Vong terraforming techniques. Neo Encyclopedia Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The New Republic began to blame the Jedi for starting the conflict with the aliens. The vangaak feeds by opening a large maw at the front of the craft which can suck in fish. Below is a list of the major castes. An advance scout ship, used to survey enemy forces before the main attack fleet. When a worldship started to near the end of its life-cycle, it would develop color variations on its Dovin basals, and it would grow Myogens in its corridors.
The priest caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: The warrior caste serves as the armies of the Yuuzhan Vong and is one of the largest castes.
The only known plaeryin bol is used by Nom Arnor.
The Tsik-Vai is an organic atmospheric vehicle used by the Yuuzhan Vong. Grutchins are completely unthinking and just destroy whatever is in their path. Their propulsion device is a Dovin Basal that is also used as a shield, sucking in lasers and other weapons like a miniature black hole. Worldships were protected by hundreds of yaret-kor emplacements that spat molten slag at enemy vessels. Its weapons are 30 plasma cannons, and it could carry 225 crew and 370 passengers.
Yun-Harla is the Trickster, the Cloaked Goddess of deception and aggression. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Approximately 20 centimeters long, the weapon is, like all other Yuuzhan Vong technology, fully organic and alive. It travels largely submerged with only a broad flat dome that serves as a sensory device visible.
The powerhouse of the Yuuzhan Vong Fleet, able to take a beating and keep on fighting. The Galactic Alliance prepares a fleet to defend Mon Calamari from the invaders while another Alliance fleet engages the Yuuzhan Vong at Coruscant. The Fire Breather is also protected by more symbiotes that secrete anti-laser aerosols into the air.
The Dovin Basal can also be used as a weapon to damage the shields of enemy ships. The Domain Hul worldship at the Battle of Borleias.
Would that allow a Yuuzhan Vong ship to survive a direct hit from the Death Star? The Yuuzhan Vong are an alien race from the non-canon "Legends" timeline of the Star Wars franchise. (Reprogramming a ship's computer to recognize Coralskippers as a threat take 1 minute and a DC 15 Use Computer check.). The Yuuzhan Vong use them on their ships, atmospheric craft, and they can be used by troops. This frigate is used by the Yuuzhan Vong as a picket and long-range reconnaissance ship. After the First Battle of Obroa-skai, the New Republic Defense Force estimated the Yuuzhan Vong naval strength to be at one thousand capital ships, deployed in small groups of twenty-five to seventy-vessels each consisting of analogs to warships, cruisers, destroyers, troop carriers, frigates, corvettes and gunships, along with starfighters known as coralskippers. On the edges of the worldship were several large spiral arms, causing the ship to resemble a galaxy.
Where these cones meet, there are three large dovin basals used to interdict hyperspace travel.
Before any tirades of "The Yuuzhan Vong are horrific" and "They're so crappy why would you" and so on and so forth, please take a look above.
The Dovin Basal can propel the Coralskipper, protect it, and strip away enemy defenses. They hate droids, machines, electronics, and anything manufactured. The Yuuzhan Vong are an alien race from the non-canon "Legends" timeline of the Star Wars franchise.
The highest caste is led by the Supreme Overlord, who commands all of the other castes. If Kyp Durron is the last remaining Rebel ship, he may flee off the Rebel edge for a draw. A highly advanced Vong vessel, able to damage both mechanical and organic foes with its gravity wells. After leading the New Republic to believe they were going to attack Corellia, Choka lead an assault on Fondor.
The beatles affect local plantlife and cuase the enviroment of the planet to change into a deadly and toxic which kills living things.