Albans, VT 05478, Ph: (802) 524-1500Fax: (802) 524-1505Email:, Hours:Monday - Friday7:30 AM - 4:30 PM(excluding holidays).

The City Council will meet for a Special City Council Meeting in Executive Session at 6:20 pm on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Please read our Privacy Notice (PDF) before submitting a request. Official website of the City of Saint Albans, Vermont | (802) 524-1500 |, Franklin Grand Isle Restorative Justice Center, Arrest Data, Traffic Stop Data & Weekly Reports. Drinking water quality is primarily the responsibility of the water company supplying the water. Business leaders in St Albans District are urged to attend an online summit where a number of vital issues are to be highlighted and discussed.

For City residents who need to change their address and/or name for property tax and/or water account purposes, please complete and return the form below.

Popular pages.

If an industrial process is required by law to have a Part A(2) or B permit the company must make an application to the Council.

CDL Employment Application, Installation of Underground Utilities Policy

We will use this information to assess whether a more formal assessment of land contamination is required.

Historic Documentation for Congress-Main-Maiden Lane Redevelopment, Environmental Documentation for Congress-Main-Maiden Lane Redevelopment Project. ADA Notice:Should you require any special accommodations, please contact us at 802-524-1500 ext.

This includes all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. This is the Official Facebook Page of the City of St. Albans, Vermont. Permitted Processes: You must hold an environmental permit from the Council if you either carry out Part A(2) or Part B activities or if you run a Part A(2) or Part B installation or mobile plant. There are no bye-laws controlling the times and frequencies at which domestic bonfires are allowed.

We will ask for proof of written and verbal communication within the last four months as part of the application. If objectives are not achieved (NO2 concentration exceeding an annual average of 40μg∙m-3) we declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out measures we intend to put in place in pursuit of the objectives. A scheme designed to deter antisocial behaviour in the centres of St Albans and Harpenden is to be renewed for three years. Employers in St Albans District are urged to join the Kickstart Scheme which offers funding to create job opportunities for 16 to 24-year olds. The ownership of Rothamsted Park is scheduled to be transferred to Harpenden Town Council (HTC) in January next year. All meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend and participate. If you do not know who owns the land which the hedge stands on you must undertake a Land Registry search. Residents in St Albans District who sign up to receive their Council Tax bills electronically will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win £2,000. Questions? *253.

*260. Application for Underground Utility Installation Permit, Curb Cut & Culvert Permit Application Residents in St Albans District concerned about air pollution levels are urged to sign up to a free alerts service. Link to Water Dept. *260. St Albans City and District Council Civic Centre, St Peter's Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3JE, England For Sat Nav users, please use AL1 3LD to locate the Council Offices Please bring a reusable cup for your water or hot drink to save waste.

Installation of Underground Utilities 4.3.17, Application for Installation of Underground Utilities 2019 St. Albans Community Survey; Bylaws and Zoning; Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan; Capital Improvement Program; Financial Documents; Ordinances & Policies; St. Albans Town Planning Survey, March 23rd, 2005; Street Name Application; Water & Wastewater Allocation Process; Town Directory; Parks & Recreation. St Albans City and District Council

You can check the water quality in your area here. The Council does not get involved or give any subsidy for any other pest problem.

The Design Advisory Board meeting scheduled for Monday, October 26, 2020 has been canceled. We maintain a Contaminated Land Register. housing, schools, hospitals, children’s play areas). Linked Below - Notices for other City Boards: NOTICE: HOW THE CITY CAN SERVE YOU DURING THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY.In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, access to all City buildings is reserved for people who have appointments or who are participating in scheduled programs.

£80 to consider the case under the “High Hedges Complaints: Prevention and Cure (PDF)” guidance and a £300 to proceed with investigations if the case qualifies under the Act. Water Quality Reports. Excess Weight Permit, Additional Documents house buyers, vendors, solicitors, environmental consultants).

Fonda Bid Tabulation - 3/29/11, 2:00 p.m. NO2 is of potential concern to environmental health as it can cause breathing difficulties, throat and eye irritation, and more severe health effects depending on concentration. To join the meeting via Zoom, please use the following link and/or call-in number. We are mindful of the potential cost implications of a formal land contamination assessment and investigation for small developments (e.g. Civic Centre, St Peter's Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3JE, England  Following an appeal this Notice came in to force 4th February 2010.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, access to all City buildings is, Please click this link for making appointments and accessing services in City Hall, Development Review Board Meeting: Monday, 11/9, Special City Council Meeting: Wednesday, 11/4, Design Advisory Board Meeting Canceled: Monday, 10/26, Meeting of the Downtown Board & Board of Directors of St. Albans for the Future: Tuesday, 10/27, Recreation Commission Meeting: Wednesday, 10/21, Link and full job description for Chief of Police and Emergency Management, Link and information on the Police Advisory Board and the Police Transformation Road Map, Information about the 2020 Census count, currently underway in our community. Utility Permit. +44 (0)1727 866100 | Contact us via MyStAlbans, Apply online for an environmental permit Part A(2), Apply online for an environmental permit Part B, DEFRA ‘Contaminated Land Statutory Guidance’ April 2012, Environment Agency ‘Land Contamination: Risk Management’, St Albans City and District Council Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy (4th Ed), St Albans City and District Council Contaminated Land Register, Environment Agency Briefing St Leonards Court, Sandridge (March 2018), Development on Potentially Contaminated Land and or for a Sensitive End Use (3rd Ed), Land Contamination Self Assessment for Small Developments with Sensitive End Use, GOV.UK ‘Report an Environmental Incident’ to the Environment Agency, High Hedges: Complaining to the Council (PDF), Guidance Notes for Completing the Complaint Form, High Hedges Complaints Prevention and Cure, Sustainability and Climate Crisis Strategy, significant harm or significant possibility of such harm to people, the built and/or natural environment.

To make a complaint please complete the Bonfire/Odour Diary Sheet (PDF) to record dates, times, and duration of the bonfire for at least two weeks and return it to us using the Bonfire complaint button.

The Public Works Department under the leadership of Marty Manahan, maintain our streets, sidewalks, water and wastewater distribution lines, and much more.

We work closely with many partners to ensure compliance and enforcement of the environmental legislation in place.


The Water Division regularly publishes documents about our operations for the public. The Environment Agency’s first Remediation Notice expired on 21st July 2019.

*253. “This will allow you to attach the form”. Apply online for an environmental permit Part A(2)Apply online for an environmental permit Part B. On 8th November 2005 the Environment Agency served a Remediation Notice on the ‘appropriate persons’. However complaints can be dealt with under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) to prevent a statutory nuisance from bonfire smoke and ash. Fees for environmental permits are set by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm . City of St. Albans MUC. proposed development at sites with a historical use that may have resulted in ground contamination.

Information and applications are available from the Public Service Department at City Hall.

Please read our Privacy Notice (PDF) before submitting a complaint.

Our Functions and Services: The current department was created in 1975 when the city's water and sewer departments merged.

2020-2021 City property tax payments are due on the following dates: August 28, 2020November 27, 2020February 26, 2021May 28, 2021. Application for Culvert Curb Cut. Please support our local businesses and be safe. A new online portal for residential customers. Final bills can be issued either by fax or email as always. The Environmental Compliance Team are a consultee as part of the planning process and are routinely consulted on: In association with the Environment Agency and other Local Authorities in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, we have jointly published technical advice for applicants, developers, land owners and consultants involved in the redevelopment of land potentially affected by contamination, or where a sensitive end use is proposed. Please contact or 802-524-1500 x*253.

Once completed, forms may either be faxed or emailed to 802-524-1505 or for scheduling of the final bill. Be adversely affecting the reasonable enjoyment of the domestic property such as light, access or views, Problems with roots including subsidence, blocked drains or the removal of water or nutrients from the soil, We suggest reading our Guidance Notes for Completing the. Our environmental services work towards improving the public health of the district. proposed developments with an intended end use that is considered to be particularly sensitive to contamination (e.g. Please call Kristen at 524-1500 ext. To view the agenda, materials and connection information for this meeting, please visit.

MyAccount is here! To view the agenda for this meeting please click on the link below. This has been suspended following an appeal. WATER TARIFF; SEWER TARIFF; CITY OF ST. ALBANS; CONTACT US; CCR 2019 REPORT; CCR 2019 WATER REPORT. Please see below for environmental services we provide assistance with. We require two cheques to deal with the complaint. The St. Albans City Recreation Commission will meet via Zoom teleconference at 6:00 pm on Wednesday October 21, 2020. It details how we identify and prioritise sites for further investigation and includes information on remediation, liability and enforcement.

Please read our Privacy Notice (PDF) before submitting your complaint.


Hours of Operation: 6am – 2:30pm.

Otherwise, the doors may be locked. This will allow you to attach the form. This form also applies to Town residents for water accounts only.

For more information about these permits please visit GOV.UK.

+44 (0)1727 866100 | Contact us via MyStAlbans Common sources include motor vehicles and power stations. We have 43 monitoring sites measuring Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) across the district. Powered By, Department of Public Works Relocation Study, Northwest Vermont Solid Waste Management District, 2019 Development Review Board Meeting Minutes, St. Albans Town Planning Survey, March 23rd, 2005, Bay Park Memorial & Community Gifts Policy, Department of Public Works (DPW) Garage Project, Installation of Underground Utilities 4.3.17, Application for Underground Utility Installation Permit, Application for Culvert Curb Cut.

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