Paso Fino horses have all the qualities an equestrian could want in a horse.

We are known for our honesty, integrity and hard work. Forehand: Shoulders slope into the withers with great depth through the hearth. Paso Finos come in almost every equine color with or without white markings. in the Paso Fino world. world in order to best help her clients and their horses. (The Colombian Paso horses have many gaits and gait variations that are not covered in this article. Besides our horses, one of our biggest  sources  of pride is our Gracewood Farm has bred Paso Fino horses in the 13.3 to 14.3 hand range available for sale.

La Millennia de Colores, a daughter of one of the farm's first founding mares The most common colors are bay, chestnut, gray and black. Size: 13 to 15.2 hands with 13.3 to 14.2 being the most typical size. Click here for Winning Colors A horse that is not gaited moves his rear leg and opposing front leg at the same time during a trot. At 32  years of age, she has accomplished much You can also click on this link to see pictures of various horse coat colors from the Paso Fino Association. Discover Paso Fino for sale on America's biggest equine marketplace.

the Paso Fino world, as we have realized ours! are amateur-ish in the show ring, she did have her day in the ring in the past through the

The Peruvian Paso has a short back and well-developed laid-back shoulders with a low set tail that he tucks between his buttocks while working.

Click here for Oca Reserve National Champion A/O Pleasure Horse in 1991, she retired from the show Let’s Find Out! 7 Rational Reasons. It is strongly advised that you have any animal you consider buying checked by a veterinarian. I have raised some winning horses and had some that didn't make it as racehorses, so we trained them in other disciplines. They’re not common in my area, so I was curious about how much one cost, so I decided to do some research to find out. them our personal attention and care  which gives us the ability to cater to Paso Finos can easily carry a rider that weighs 25% of its body weight, that is powerful. General Impression: Smooth, natural gait that is unique to the breed. The modern Paso Fino originated in Puerto Rico from Spanish stock brought to the island in 1493. farm, as of this date, has about 120 horses in residence,  53 stalls, and Germany and Canada, and pure down-home love and attention to the horses that call Winning In competitive Paso Largo, horses keep their bodies under control, hold their heads in the proper position, and create a smooth ride while transporting a rider up to 22 miles an hour. We are passionate about horses and love sharing everything we have learned. horse and farm website which was started by her talented older daughter Heather. 800 NE 105 Lane Bay Bay Overo Bay Roan Black Black Overo Blue Grulla Blue Roan Brindle Brown Buckskin. barn & fax (352) 690-7474 Kelley also With the Paso Fino gait being 4 beats, they have more leg/hoof support on the ground. Color: Every equine color can be found, with or without white markings. house & fax (352) 690-7454 Some Paso Finos can execute the Classic Fino gait - the prized show ring gait of an extremely short and quick step. Classic Fino Mare - only to be beaten by her husband, Fernando Baragano on farm has come true through the talent of her daughter Kelley. Other gaited breeds have a longer stride with the hind legs, which can result in the rider feeling this uneven stride.

Kelley won her first National Champion title for a client’s horse when she was 13. the needs, physically as well as mentally, of each horse. An Essential Feeding Guide. The price depends on the horses’ pedigree, age, training, health, geographic area, and the seller’s motivation. a family interest (Gray Barn Paso Finos in Crabapple, Georgia), has now grown to be a Kelley believes in keeping current with the Paso

Paso Fino horses are ideal for adventurous riders, as they are willing to fearlessly try just about anything that their owners suggest. They advance very slowly. The back is strong and muscled. Paso Fino horses are well known for their gaited travel and refined looks. My neighbor just bought a five-month-old blue roan, so I decided to bring my grandson to see the colt.

Perfect for Spanish Paso Finos, Trote Y Galope or any other breed of horse. It's popularity has

The classic gait is the standard gait used to judge Pasos. A single entry in an eleven year old girl's journal under the heading of and Puerto Rico to see, judge, and compete in world class shows and to visit other Paso Fino farms. The horses work their feet up and down rapidly like pistons while keeping their bodies under control and head held high atop an arched neck.

in  June 1996 with 23 horses. Our love and passion for the Paso Fino horse brought us to Anthony, FL, in 1996.

our sites! came about as a result of many of our friends and clients needing  help in TRAINER/OWNER  Color: Every equine color can be found, with or without white markings.

These sturdy horses became instrumental as smooth, trusty riding mounts for the Spanish Conquistadors as they rode over rugged mountains, open ranges, and dense jungles exploring Latin America and South America. American soldiers stationed in Puerto Rico got to know and love the unique breed. is like location in real estate - one of the most important things  for The foundation stock was a mixture of some of the most beautiful horses in Spain at the time. Paso Finos have been called the smoothest riding horses in the world due to their 4 beat evenly spaced footfall which results in a "cadillac" smooth ride. The up and down caused by this action is jarring to a rider. NOTICE: Browse Horses, or place a FREE ad today on Also, in the late 1950's Paso Finos started to be imported from Colombia. The The move to Ocala from Crabapple (Metro Atlanta), Georgia was made WINNING COLORS PASO FINOS The most common colors are bay, chestnut, gray and black.

value and investment. However, it wasn’t until late in the 19th century that the cross-breeding resulted in the birth of the great stallion Dulce Sueno. Kelley was the youngest Paso Fino

Full size may not be attained until the fifth year.

He has been riding ever since We keep improving our own stock The two breeds also differ in training and the way they are shown in competitions. International Paso Finos Sales List Paso Finos are smart, thinking horses which allow for a willing pleasing attitude for the owner for positive personal interactivity. It was a very proud family affair! The conformation between the two breeds is different. Paso Finos come in almost every equine color with or without white markings. There are some Puerto Rican Paso Finos that have a unique eye color. in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 1995 at the Confepaso Mundial. Please verify your final color choices with your community's governing body before undertaking any exterior painting project. What gaits can Paso Finos do? The horses included bloodlines from Barb, Andalusian, and Jennet, a light gaited horse with high endurance. judge, getting her card at age 19. Other colors include roan, buckskin, palomino, pinto, dun, perlino, cremello and grulla. Baragano has been a horse lover for as  long as she can remember and

showing, boarding, breeding, sales, show judging,  and consulting. All horses travel with a footfall pattern. In all their gaits, the rider should appear to be gliding in the saddle; you shouldn’t perceive any up and down movement. Peruvian Paso horses have a high rate of degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis. Body Color Options - Paso Fino Estates : Approved Colors . The beat of their feet is even and rhythmic, and it is impressive to witness.

Ride the horse before you decide to buy him, take your saddle, saddle the horse yourself, and sit on his back. class training, international and national showing, amateur-owner coaching, sales that have expanded from the United States to Besides these qualities, I didn’t know much else about the breed, so I decided to do some research to learn as much as I could about these beautiful animals. There are thousands of horses covering many breeders and types of horses. WINNING COLORS PASO FINOS  They are known to be social animals with loyalty to their owners and riders. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. HISTORY Both sites have been super successful , and we thank all of you who either Taking short strides keeps his legs under himself, creating a solid foundation. BARBARA COX BARAGANO - A caution to anyone who makes a wish - you just might get what you wish The paces are distinguished by stride length and speed. In the space of switching legs, the horse’s body drops a short distance. Midsection: The top line should be proportionately shorter than the underline. Some horses She has been named High Point Youth at the Paso Fino Nationals, and she has won We had 24 stalls and 5 paddocks. Paso Finos Sales List reputation. A normal movement would be two legs down, then four legs up, and the opposite two legs on the ground. Schedule a visit for a test ride, plan for a horsemanship riding lesson or simply come meet the horses.

When a horse switches legs, there is a drop before his next two feet hit the ground. The other colors accept by the Paso Fino Association for registration are gray, grulla, black, palomino, cremello, dun, roan, pinto, buckskin, and perlino. You can check out this article to read more about specific horse colors, click here. Paso Fino’s can be one of fourteen colors. Disposition: The Paso Fino is an extremely willing horse that truly seems to enjoy human companionship and strives to please. She has traveled to Colombia,  Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Anthony, FL 32617 Bloodlines in a breeding farm that way! It is spirited and responsive under tack while sensible and gentle at hand. ring to manage the farm and  to run a very successful  consignment Before we get too deep into the specifics of the breeds gait, it’s essential to know some basics about horse gaits.

full-fledged Paso Fino business. I wrote an article you can read about what we learn from a horse’s teeth that may help. The gait is renowned for pleasure and trail riding but is also seen in competition. that Kelley has gathered many ribbons of "winning colors" in her show quality horses for sale at affordable prices.

Paso Finos range in size from 13.2 to 15.2 hands, with the average around 13.3 to 14.1 hands.

24 years ago  (1984) as Although we have many horses to care for these days, we still give Although they are small in stature, their short coupling and strong legs allow these horses to carry more weight than similarly sized animals. Paso Finos are gentle, powerful, and athletic horses that are excellent trail riding companions for any level rider. FERNANDO BARAGANO - AGENT IN PUERTO RICO Winning Colors offers quality horses for sale at affordable prices, These horses, although on the smaller size, have no problem carry heavy men. Paso Fino Horses for Sale by Color. In its native Central and South American countries, the Paso Fino was the preferred breed of large landowners, many of whom were also fairly large people.

However, you can read about the gaits of the Colombian Paso here.). We  have horses for Macarena de Besilu. After attaining  The competitive Corto gait is performed faster and is more compact than the leisure version of the gait. Although these horses are relatively small, they can carry great weights. The horses have little in common besides Paso in their names. for!! Winning Colors Paso Finos is a mother-daughter business operating on "THE ROAD" (105 Lane) in Anthony, Florida, a small town just north of Ocala.

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