The year is 1996, long summers, good friends, life is awesome. The edited version of GUN, TANK - HOWITZER: SINGLE SHOT 03, as heard in the game: The high pitched version of COUGAR - GROWL, ANIMAL, MOUNTAIN LION, CAT 01, as heard in the game: The very low pitched version of Boo Laugh 1, as heard in the game: The low pitched version of CARTOON, BREATHE - BIG INHALE THROUGH MOUTH, as heard in the game: The edited version of ANIMAL, CREATURE - LARGE ANIMAL DEATH SCREAM, as heard in the game: The very low pitched version of CREAK, DOOR - SHORT DOOR CREAK 03, as heard in the game: DOOR, DUNGEON - DUNGEON DOOR: LIGHT CLOSE AND LATCH, CASTLE, as heard in the game: DOOR, WOOD - CLOSE 04, as heard in the game: ELECTRONIC - MAGICAL ZIP 01, as heard in the game: EXPLOSION - LARGE EXPLOSION 06/07/08, as heard in the game: The low pitched version of the first call of BIRD, BUDGIES - AMBIENCE: VARIOUS CALLS, as heard in the game: The very low pitched version of the small portion of BIRD, CANARIES - AMBIENCE: VARIOUS CALLS, CANARY, as heard in the game: WINCH - CHAIN PULLED BY WINCH 02, as heard in the game: INDUSTRY, HYDRAULIC - ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC MACHINE: UP FULL, FACTORY, as heard in the game: TANK, MILITARY - SHERMAN TANK: GUN BREECH: OPEN, as heard in the game: The low pitched version of DOG, ROTTWEILER - MEDIUM DOG, BARKING, ANIMAL, as heard in the game: The 2nd half of the 1st splash of WATER, SPLASH - PEBBLES INTO STILL WATER, as heard in the game: The edited version of HUMAN, SIGH - SIGH: FEMALE 01, as heard in the game: The small portion of BUBBLES, UNDERWATER - STEADY UNDERWATER BUBBLES, as heard in the game: The small portion of Chimpanzee Screeche PE026201, as heard in the game: BIRD, SKYLARK - SINGING, ANIMAL, as heard in the game's files: The 1st part of HUMAN, YELL - YELL: FEMALE, as heard in the game's files: WATER, BUBBLES - SWIRLING BUBBLES, as heard in the game: WIND - HOWLING HORROR WIND, WEATHER, as heard in the game: The Piranha Plant Chomp sound, as heard in the game: The Mad Piano sound, as heard in the game: The low pitched version of Sound Ideas, ANVIL - SINGLE HIT ON ANVIL WITH HAMMER, METAL 02, as heard in the game: The 1st portion of the Sound Ideas, CAMERA - 35 MM SLR WITH AUTO WINDER: SINGLE SHOT, as heard in the game: Water Bubble bouncing ,as heard in the game: Big Star Door sound, as heard in the game: Dorrie (whenever Mario ground pounds on him), as heard in the game: Piranha Plants appearing and disappearing, as heard in the game: Soundeffects Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mario Toad The year is 1996, long summers, good friends, life is awesome.

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