Hands/Fingers – 8 out of 10 I planned on having the top be about 1.5- 2 inches below my inner elbow and the bottom ending about 2.5 inches above my wrist.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. My wrist bone was the worst. Inner area of the biceps hurt like hell.
Considering it's your first tattoo and you do say you're nervous it can take longer, first tattoos always put people on edge (they really aren't that bad though), just try to sit the best you can, don't be afraid to ask for breaks if you think you need any. That was on the inner upper arm. Rear shoulder towards the back and on top of the shoulder surprised the … Forearm isn't nearly as bad as a lot of other places on the arm. It depends on body fat, but for me my shoulder and outer forearms were least painful. Pelvic area was the worst.
Thanks! How long a tattoo takes depends on the artist, the amount of detail in it, and how well you sit. :(.
It's noticeably more painful than the upper arm or shoulder from my experience. Just finished my half sleeve last night and inside upper arm suuuuuucked.
50% Upvoted. It only started to hurt a bit after 3 hours. In my opinion, the outlining hurts worse than the shading, but just remind yourself that that pain is temporary and your not going to die from it! For me it was my forearm.
I'd never get another one in that area. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8b/ff/cd/8bffcd9addecb1aa73d5dfa036b4a565.jpg - Example.
But good luck, and if you have any question ask away. One of the less painful areas for a tattoo. About how long is this likely to take? The median nerve runs from the base of your shoulder through to your fingertips, which means it falls in line of your forearm tattoo. The forearm really isn't all that bad. Again, I like his portfolio, he has done this tattoo once before and it came out great, but that short amount of time seems weird.
Fucking. I laid down expecting excruciating torture and I didn't feel shit. As for placement,I got the Keywork from coheed&cambria on my forarm and it doesn't really deform when I move or use my arm.As for pain,its not bad,but also depends on how your pain tolerance is,mine is high.so my first tattoo that took 2hrs long,was nothing.but like everyone says the pain temporary.but i also get my upper arm done too,and the pain for that area wasn't bad at all.I would say somewhere on the arm would be a good place for you first tattoo.
Cookies help us deliver our Services. Maybe I'm overestimating the complexity. in relief when my first tattoo started. Elbow was nice and easy, up in my armpit felt pretty good too. I need to know if I should be wary of an artist who says it will only take half an hour (which has already happened; his portfolio seems to check out but that made me nervous since it seems like it would take longer?).