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English 1100 Dr. Gillian Bright Adapted from Independent & Dependent Clauses Quiz - ANSWERS NOTE: The red answers below show possible options for corrected clauses. 0000009584 00000 n
10 November 30, 2014 . <>>>
0000004267 00000 n Conjunctions and Clauses The reason why a dependent clause cannot stand on its own is that it begins with a subordinating conjunction. <> �Ș�F�]4׳����Ԭ���[�����.����2/ohH��.�7��%��$0k��>G�d��@˺���l��{�4�ïjx�� 8��.� _�����l�����"Jg�U.����A�{��:�kI�h���_y��j���O�r�"��j`�՝o�֊K��h����r�o 0000001219 00000 n 4 0 obj 0000008560 00000 n WRAC Handout #264 Independent and Dependent Clauses More about Subordinators and Dependent Clauses Subordinators such as “if,” “when,” “since,” “because,” and “although,” start adverb dependent clauses. 0000006444 00000 n 3 0 obj ����S.&E���&��"e*y����I#���F�,���=O�vX)͍����8�Ǟ�_��)@fRÕs�=jK� ��Wк��z�5#s�w�t{j�����xn|eB���19WS�7���_� ��1�F�_�_f�J���D� }4��eMIt� U)W�#�>И%}�ag-���� �uA��;��ճW��٬�8|"����#�� Some clauses are independent while others are dependent, and for a sentence to be complete, it must contain at least one independent clause. Sandy likes to read mysteries because she wants to be a detective. 0000059570 00000 n 1 Figure 1 The Writing Center and Academic Resource Center logo Clauses I: Independent and Dependent Clauses A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a verb.
make an independent clause into a dependent clause. trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 39 0 obj<>stream Independent and Dependent Clauses Below there are Sentences. �����G�4�N#��\q�b) 1����Y�r�Id�_�S'�A��H$.�&`�Lx�9�I��yci�0�i�w�� �}����m.��h�-G-jQ@ @�RX�ȶH*�ӁZhS�4\�n�����p�4���H�$��,���kan�h8ѧeC��{: K:�. endobj
0000110534 00000 n The subordinating conjunction makes the clause unable to express a complete thought. ��AL������ӗ$�~ɳ�5���sty6|��y�8�X�p��S��ZQyP�� ��[��h��e����dXB�Z/3��S* �B+}>���"��*�0��� !�D�mc&�?Z�;���Iz�L�Jx� O�0����.KO�7M��JÔ���In��(����SJ9�Tª�. 1) I've applied for three jobs, hoping to get one. 0000011154 00000 n %���� ;��;��^�i���w���̶ϛ����@P�5g���B�e������P�m�x ��C��aJ�E����5+�ڡ�Q��,��%:�7�5T.t/�Z�]@ +���*�;6��V�,հ����(X�,��HK�d��M��j�6��_2���� �����վbG,)h��� ��ܦq��e�C�d��2���*kN����O�����Dʍm�������-�a!v%�W��l��ℷ���'N�2U�#�;�}�0ΜM6�5#5�ٖf䘒��!�/��`ws�{g.��2��� �g�ɝ�[S�wI&7. %PDF-1.5 A verb expresses the action or condition of the subject. endobj x�b```b``�g`e`ued@ A�+��k���� ( ����pS�C�[s��^ `qqq ���2]. 0000011926 00000 n
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. 0000004910 00000 n Independent and Subordinate Clauses Independent (main) clause – expresses a complete thought. 2 0 obj In this quiz, we’ll be learning about independent and dependent clauses. x��Z[o�~7��@�/�"by�C����� ���"�dI�N$�a����wfHj/�j�E���;��}C�����o�I���W� �'�\(�r�rx����+~����K�F�a�����c��x��p]p��%�c$e�y4�*��4�g��J~���d7g�?J�8�G�FE���Fy���yox���l�m]kY�mޖ��H���̓g��t��nc�L�i��1�,����4�q���Hz+�8bߣ��}ٮ��Ǯ�Jk�\=������ �-�(�No��d��P�g�eq}��k� �Mi�~���Y!q�e��l������|d�����uir���TO#��h�b�'�s�5Eo�y]���M!BE�u$E�B������H'�X�@,�{V�}+�a�VS�#��*�E�{H����~����G��acu�xj��Yz&���ho �E{�א�/p͆562�Ll��{46J��H�L5���F�5q�*���� ��V0s.g��L��6.+���L��=Ld�����N`���}�?Kxn�IY�&�7x[�⏜��P� nשYN>Y�Sv��.7B���\�FjĤ�� ��i�]�i7��b�FD��*7�r&�q�������V��H���R�<3lؾ����|��~���[ps_ۏ�}�v��!�ڴXR z�qT�7/�-�+ ��ʨ ��FP�.D�&��Y7+��h��~JfK�v���GqFyݷ��� 0000009855 00000 n endobj x��Z[o�~���G�X3�M�b`7�)P�= ��}pl%Qa[�-��f��$J��mqΦ�Eg�3�|��î.�˚����˗bž\}����q������u�\nuYm�~?./���=���cK�Tƍ��a�~�=e��ˋ�=�S��@�_���_K��L���T2�y�ٮ���������PG���)�e&z��V�&4�r ����F�g�~�a��Wt�/7��,�y� 4Rr0Y���݀y��"�x
Curt called his father who was still at work. 0000012629 00000 n %���� 0000002971 00000 n 1 0 obj
Subordinate (dependent) clause – doesn’t express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. Sandy likes to read mysteries because she wants to be a detective.
endobj Do you know the difference between them? $���K�y����1�=�W���gu�� ^��;��:����T���8�h���(�6� 0000001314 00000 n 0000007126 00000 n By using either highlighters or pens, highlight or underline the dependent clause with one color and the independent clause with another in each sentence. 0000006856 00000 n ��VL?i����p�����%;�b��:��u��4d�T���WSb�g�5�w���4
0000005561 00000 n A dependent, or subordinate, clause is a clause that does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone.
3 0 obj Is It an Independent Clause or a Dependent Clause?
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If You will have used your own clauses/ideas/words, so just make sure you use the right kind of connection (such as adding an independent clause). endobj 0000015410 00000 n
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0000010231 00000 n <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> A sentence can be A subject is typically a noun—the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about.
An independent, or coordinate, clause is a clause that expresses a complete thought and can stand alone. 0000002365 00000 n 0000001848 00000 n 0000008156 00000 n 0000007632 00000 n (For more information, see the Sentence Structure Basics handout.) 0000002937 00000 n Each sentence has both, and independent clause and a dependent clause. I'll take a walk because the weather is beautiful. 0000003357 00000 n <> 0000003111 00000 n %PDF-1.5
0000002475 00000 n Test your student's knowledge of ela with Turtle Diary's Identifying Words as DEPENDENT CLAUSES All sentences consist of one or more clauses. 0000000976 00000 n I smashed my car into an oak tree after I went to the store.
6 0 obj <> endobj xref 6 34 0000000016 00000 n Dependent clauses, in case you are unaware, are groups of words containing a subject and verb, but which do not express a complete thought. Examples: Since the cat is meowing, the dog is barking.